InPhoCat operates on the market since 2015. The founders and shareholders of the company, Prof. Wojciech Macyk and Dr. Przemysław Łabuz, are employees of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University. The owners of the company are the authors of several publications, patents and patent applications. They were PIs of scientific projects, including those financed by European and structural funds. In 2017, the company changed its headquarters and received laboratories and office space. Laboratories are equipped with the instruments and tools necessary to carry out research and development works. They are constantly developed to enable construction of devices and their prototypes for individual needs.
The company’s activity is focused on research and development works aimed at the implementation of innovative technologies and products. Our experience and competence can be useful for customers without their own research and development facilities. In our laboratories innovative active coatings are developed and tested. The coating materials are engineered to achieve specific functionalities, such as, e.g., the photocatalytic activity for elimination of organic and microbiological pollutants, removal of unpleasant odors and volatile organic compounds, as well as water treatment.
The goal of InPhoCat is to develop and implement novel solutions and technologies based on the use of catalytic and photocatalytic materials, inorganic materials and organic-inorganic composites with cleaning, antibacterial and protective properties. The pandemic which appeared in 2020 paid our attention at the safety in working and living environment. In this context, we intensify our efforts to provide effective solutions that can facilitate protection against microbiological and chemical pollution.
In 2020, we were awarded the title of laureate in the 13th edition of the Innovator Małopolski competition (Innovator of Lesser Poland) in the category of micro company for the development and implementation of the innovative solution that activates self-cleaning photocatalytic coatings containing titanium dioxide (TiO2), sensitizes them to visible light and increases their effectiveness. Photocatalytic coatings containing unmodified titanium dioxide require continuous illumination with UV light, which activates the effect of photocatalytic cleaning and disinfection. After modification of TiO2 coatings with the awarded solution, the photocatalytic activity is induced by visible light, i.e. indoor diffused daylight or artificial white light.

Przemysław Łabuz
Initially interested in biochemistry, he graduated from the Department of Biotechnology of Jagiellonian University in Kraków (2006). Then he changed the field of research to semiconductor photochemistry and eventually completed his Ph.D. degree at the Faculty of Chemistry of Jagiellonian University (2011).
He is a member of the Team of Photocatalysis. His research interests are focused on the border of nanotechnology and biology and the interaction of nanoparticles with biostructures and biomolecules. His research interests include mechanisms of semiconductors phototoxicity especially those involving generation of reactive oxygen species at the surface of sensitized TiO2. He is the author of several papers and book chapters, several patents and patent applications. He developed the method of sensitization of TiO2 colloids with simple organic compounds, which has found application in photocatalytic solution for contact lenses cleaning.
Since 2009 he is especially interested in the possibility of application of scientific discoveries. In 2015 he became laureate of the Top 500 Innovators Programme led by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Within the program, he took a professional internship at the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford.
Wojciech Macyk, CEO
Graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków (1997), completed his PhD degree at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany (2000). Currently he holds the position of a full professor at the Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University. He is the head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, deputy dean for research and cooperation. He also leads the Team of Photocatalysis. His research interests include mechanisms of photocatalytic processes (especially those involving TiO2 photosensitization and activation of small molecules), redox properties of photocatalysts, photocatalytic detoxification and disinfection, photocatalytic carbon dioxide fixation, as well as photoelectrochemistry and spectroelectrochemistry of semiconductors. He is the author of ca. 120 papers and book chapters (cited ca. 5400 times, h = 37), several patents and patent applications. Wojciech has been a principal investigator in several international and national research projects. He supervised 15 completed PhD theses. In 2014 and 2015 he was a visiting professor at the Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, and at School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, Western Sydney University. He was awarded with several prizes, including the award of Minister of Science and Higher Education for scientific achievements, the award of Prime Minister of Poland for habilitation work, the scholarship „Zostańcie z nami!” (“Stay with us!”) granted by the Polityka journal, the scholarship for young researchers granted by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), Albert Weller Prize granted by the German Chemical Society (GDCh, Germany), the prize of Staedtler Foundation for PhD thesis (Germany), the prize of Procter&Gamble for Master thesis, the silver medal at 24th International Chemistry Olympiad, Pittsburgh-Washington, USA (1992).
Joanna Macyk
Graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, specialization in biological chemistry (1997), Joanna received her PhD in chemistry at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany in 2002. She has fifteen years of experience in the field of pharmacy, including radiopharmacy (she was employed in Pliva, Teva and Voxel). She actively works in the areas of quality control, research and development, quality assurance and pharmaceuticals production as an analyst, quality control manager and qualified person (QP). Her experience is focused on building and managing laboratories in accordance with quality systems guidelines, in particular on ensuring the quality and safety of production. She is a consultant in implementation of GLP, GMP and related quality assurance systems in laboratories, including:
- development, optimization, verification, validation and transfer of technologies and analytical methods,
- preparation of GLP and GMP documentation (SOP’s, instructions, control and validation documentation),
- preparation for audits in the areas of production and quality control,
adapting laboratories to ISO, GLP and GMP systems, - accomplishing requirements in implementation of medicinal products at Polish, European and American markets.
She also willingly shares her experience with students and young scientists as a lecturer at the Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University. As certified Project Manager Specialist (IPMA Poland, Level D) she is also involved in planing and complementing of project management.