Non-CO2 greenhouse gases are responsible for 28% of total anthropogenic emissions, of which CH4 (16%) and N2O (6%) are major contributors. These gases are hard to abate due to their diverse and inherently distributed sources (with concentration<1%-vol), for example the agricultural sector (livestock and farming), which is the main source of anthropogenic CH4 emissions. Moreover, their very low concentrations in the atmosphere (ppb or ppm level) make the recovery particularly challenging. However, mitigating these gases can significantly accelerate the transition towards a net-zero greenhouse gas EU economy by 2050, and achieve sustainable negative emissions thereafter. In this context, REPAIR will develop first-of-its kind technological proof of concept to remove non-CO2 gases like CH4 and N2O from diluted sources, including from the atmosphere. Two process routes are proposed: (A) capture, concentration and storage/conversion (B) direct catalytic conversion. The proposed processes can be easily integrated with direct air capture and storage and/or use of CO2, thereby removing multiple greenhouse gases (CH4, N2O and CO2) in a single system with lower energy and cost. The potential of the technologies developed in the REPAIR project will be evaluated through (i) techno-economic analysis (ii) scenario-based assessment to evaluate impact on climate (iii) impact case studies in agricultural and farming sector. Results will enable making decisions about upscaling of the technology in agricultural farms by 2035 in addition to increasing knowledge about plausibility of removing non-CO2 gases from diluted sources. It will also help the European Commission to make informed decisions about regulations for non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions from 2030 2030 as indicated in the “Fit for 55” plan. The project coordinated by KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) brings together a consortium consisting of SINTEF Energy Research (Norway), Utrecht University (The Netherlands), InPhoCat Innovative Photocatalytic Solutions (Poland), Valio (Finland), CMCC Climate – Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (Italy), TU Eindhoven (The Netherlands), Nordic DAC Group (Sweden), Cooperativas Agro-alimentarias de EspaƱa (Spain).

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