A system of innovative coating materials for the protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures in variable conditions weather conditions against corrosion, pollution, excessive cooling, and overheating.
System innowacyjnych materiałów powłokowych do zabezpieczania betonowych i żelbetonowych konstrukcji w zmiennych warunkach atmosferycznych przed korozją, zanieczyszczeniami, nadmiernym chłodzeniem i przegrzewaniem.
The project involves the implementation of research and development works aimed at the development of innovative coatings or coating systems that provide surface protection for concrete structures with new functionalities. The designed coatings will enable self-cleaning of the surface and provide thermal protection (they will heat up in winter, cool down in summer), and will reduce chemical and biological pollution. Commonly used coatings absorb heat and light, get dirty and darken, so they absorb even more light and become more hydrophobic, thus the evaporation of water and the related cooling is ineffective.
In the proposed system thanks to the use of microspheres and the phenomenon of photocatalysis, reflective properties, and evaporation of water from the hydrophilic surface will be enhanced. At the same time, the originators ensure that they will be able to offer a solution not only with synergistic functionalities but also compatible with environmentally and socially friendly policies and consistent with the concept of sustainable construction.