New Paper about our Work!

You can find it here in Open Access!

REPAIR Meeting

Work summary and preparation for the mid-term evaluation = a very intensive period in our REPAIR project consortium (

InPhoCat at Nano(&)Biomaterials Conference in Toruń

Karolina Zając presented results during 6th Nano(&)Biomaterials Conference in Toruń. The talk was focused on modification of polypropylene by depositing TiO2 Nanoparticles on the surface and the photo-bactericidal properties of such layers.

Last HERA Project Meeting

Final countdown! Last HERA project meeting = results summary and new inspiration research for further cooperation.

InPhoCat at 56th Polish Catalysis Colloquium

The 56th Polish Catalysis Colloquium, held at the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow, from March 20 to March 22, 2024 provides an excellent opportunity to share our work. Karolina Zając and Wojciech Macyk are...

New paper about our work!

Explore the full text by following this link.

Biuletyn Projektu REPAIR

Pierwszy tegoroczny biuletyn Projektu REPAIR już dostępny. Projekt ma na celu opracowanie opłacalnej technologii, która ułatwi wychwytywanie lub katalityczne przekształcanie metanu. Dziewięciu partnerów z siedmiu europejskich krajów współpracuje ze sobą, aby osiągnąć...

Merry Christmas!

Sending you cheerful vibes and holiday smiles! Have a fantastic and joyful festive season from Inphocat!
REPAIR Meeting

REPAIR Meeting

Work summary and preparation for the mid-term evaluation = a very intensive period in our REPAIR project consortium (

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